Mobile home park
It’s not a plane or real property but it’s an asset of value that someone lives in and holds title to. No, not a car. Real property ownership records, including deeds, titles and other related financial instruments, are filed with the county Recorder where the building is located. Personal vehicles are registered by a division of the state government that issues vehicle license plates. California residences that are a “limited-equity housing cooperative” have no recorded title or deed in the name of the individual. The occupants purchase shares in the corporation, an asset which they can sell.
The California Department of Housing and Community Development, Registration and Titling Program records ownership of and the security interest in a “manufactured home, mobilehome, commercial modular(s), floating home, or truck camper.” Units at a mobile home park may be rented or owned. The land on which the mobile home park is situated may have a single owner, which is sometimes the developer. Each manufactured home is individually owned. Search a database that shows names of people who have lived at that address to identify a possible owner. Or perform the same search with a name if you’re looking for that person’s assets and their addresses. Check to see if any of the places they have lived are in a mobile home park. A real property search won’t show the owner of a manufactured home but with the address you can identify the owner.
A title for a manufactured home can be ordered online but first call the Titling Program to get the decal number. They can also confirm ownership and report any loan defaults, outstanding registration fee amounts, lien holder and value at the time of manufacture.