My Favorite Private Investigator Links

Mostly free websites for fact finding and online research for private investigators, genealogists, info pros, attorneys, journalists and the public.

More of my favorite links are here.


6 thoughts on “My Favorite Private Investigator Links

  1. Sometimes people self publish their cell phones on social networking sites. You can also call or text relatives or co-workers for the subject’s number. First, get a confirmed identification through your databases so you’re sure that you’re targeting the right person. TLO is probably the source with the most current numbers.

  2. What’s your best sources for cell phone numbers and landlines? I’m using things like Accurint, IRBSearch, LocatePlus… I’m still having a devil of a time with it,especially with common names. I’m starting with Names, ages (sometimes birth dates) and addresses.
    Shane C.
    Sioux Falls SD

  3. I particularly like your link for Google Hacking Database. I would never have found it unless I came to your links list. I have a case right now where that is helpful. I also found the government salary list to be quite interesting – found my old boss’s pay grade.

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