Gifts, investments, outside income, business relationships and other economic interests of top public agency employees and elected officials of San Bernardino County, California are now posted online in a database. Search by filer name, filing date, position or department name. San Bernardino is the first California county to put these records online, according to a report in the Riverside Press-Enterprise.
The Statement of Economic Interests, California Fair Political Practices Form 700, is filed each year with the government official’s home county, or with the state Fair Political Practices Commission for state elected officers, legislators, judges and court commissioners, and members of the state boards and commissions.
The San Bernardino County filings begin with 2006; the home addresses are redacted from the forms.
Maryland law now allows people arrested but not charged to expunge their police records.
The Nevada Senate is considering AB600, which has passed the Assembly, a bill that will allow people to redact their personal identifying information from public records which they previously filed. The last 4 digits of the Social Security number are not personal information and will be allowed on public records. The 4 number identifier will be required on judgments.
The Idaho state Supreme Court ruled that emails sent between county employees are public records.
Even though federal law makes certain student records confidential that does not prevent the public release of redacted student disciplinary records, according to a decision by the Montana Supreme Court.
HB 776, the new bill to regulate PIs in Nh will pass. What MsAylward may not be aware of is the fact that NH is not Virginia.
Members of the statutory committee worked on HB 776 over last summer with input from a wide variety of sources. The bill was crafted with the direct input of the Department of Safety and the Department of Justice in New Hampshire. Senior members of the Legislative Committees of Criminal Justice, Judiciary and Transportation (access to MV records) were consulted regarding wording in the bill. The bill was based upon other passed legislation including the GAL legislation and Sexual Abuse legislation in New Hampshire. The bill opens the definitions of experience to obtain a license and enter the profession.
It also codifies unprofessional conduct for the fist time. That concept does scare some people though.
Publicly opposing the bill were: a PI already caught operating without a license, another under investigation forthe same thing in an adjoining state, a public official now on leave, suspected of some licensing problens and PI twice served with stalking petitions.
The bill is suppoted by the Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence and by the current licensing agent, The Deptartment of Safety. Overall the Committee was not impressed with the opposition testimony…….at all.