Search Craigslist by phone number or any partial number, even if the number isn’t displayed within the posting. Select “show contact info” to see the hidden number.
Words — including partial names, addresses or numbers — that are in the body of a post or in the caption on a map can be searched.
There may be multiple listings by a person. Check all for additional information and search criteria.
Not all categories are searchable by number. Click the link under the search box to see a list of the categories that were searched. Scroll through listings in each category and find test search terms to see what isn’t being retrieved.
Historical classified ads, only, can be searched at Hamari. It caches some expired ads, with the phone number exposed, that are no longer on Craigslist, but the site doesn’t search partial phone numbers. There are other free tools for searching expired ads but none of them have all expired listings.
Find posts with combinations of words, location and partial numbers.
What tips do you have for searching Craigslist postings?
Do I call my ISP and just ask? Can I get deleted accounts too? Isn’t there a website that can go back and find these? What about on Craig’s List? I’ve tried searching the account number on CL and can’t get anything. Any help would be appreciated!
Vicki, Check your husband’s browser history, or contact your Internet Service Provider to get the list of sites visited as he may have been using an incognito browser.
How do I find out if my husband had been posting and reviewing the personal ads