Charleston County, SC – Samuel R. Crain, a South Carolina licensed PI has been charged with stalking and was held on $100,000 bond. Even though private investigators are exempt from laws prohibiting stalking, it doesn’t protect anyone who does it for personal reasons and not as part of a case.
The victim alleges that Crain, 41, was stalking her and that she saw him watching her from a Piggly Wiggly parking lot. After signing a warrant for his arrest, Crain was quickly arrested and taken into custody. Crain is licensed in South Carolina and Georgia. I’m sure there will be more to read about this case.
This sort of thing perpetuates the stereotype of the type of slimeball PI you see on television and in the movies. This isn’t how real professionals behave themselves.
This incident hurts all PI’s, because the hook for the media is that a ‘private investigator’ was the one who got arrested. This article also brings out a very important point in that just because we have a license, it doesn’t mean that we can do what we want.
Jimmie Mesis