Purchasers of subscriber telephone records extend into multiple industries, among them are major corporations. The same names of providers of the telco records keep reappearing, suggesting that companies, such as Action Research Group, based in Florida, are the new Touch Tone. James Rapp, the owner of the now shuttered Touch Tone, has no trouble spilling the beans on his Nebraska nephew, who is identified as an employee of Action Research.
Attorneys’ responsibility in overseeing the legality of investigations they initiate may get closer scrutiny.
The U.S. House, Committee on Energy and Commerce will grill various actors in this drama at the hearing on September 28. A sense of the expected tone of the hearing is conveyed in the announcement.
The hearing is part of the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee’s seven-month inquiry into data brokers and the questionable practice known as “pretexting” – the use of lies and deception to gain access to information that is not publicly available and without the victim’s consent.
H.P. Said to Have Studied Infiltrating Newsrooms, New York Times
‘Pretexting’ Scandal Sends Chill Through Bar
Lawyers examining how pretexting is used; one state bar takes action, The National Law Journal
In the blogsphere:
H-P: Lawyers Lawyer Up & Investigating the Investigation, Law Blog