This is a directory of links to state, county and municipal government salary and employee name databases. These searchable databases of government salaries, pay, overtime and compensation of government workers are compiled by news organizations, consumer watchdog organizations, open government advocates and government agencies. These are helpful to private investigators and judgment collectors to find place of employment and locate assets. Look up salaries and employees’ names.
Find State Employees by Name, Place or Department
State of Iowa Salaries, 1993-2014 (government site)
download salary books; download 2010 salary book (Excel file)
Iowa state government employees, 2014
State salaries for Iowa, 2006-2015
Iowa State Payments to Vendors
Iowa federal, state, county, cities and schools government pay, 2002-2014:
City/County links include Iowa City, Coralville, Cedar Rapids, Marion, North Liberty, Johnson Co., Linn Co., Solon, U. Heights, West Branch, West Liberty; Schools included are Iowa City, Center Point-Urbana, Central City, CCA, Highland, Lone Tree, Marion, Mid-Prairie, Mount Vernon, North Linn, Solon, West Branch, West Liberty, Grant Wood, AEA; State links include, UI, UI Foundation, ISU Extension, State of Iowa, Kirkwood; Federal employees include, VA Hospital, Corps of Engineers, USGS; and 2002-2012
Pay to employees of Iowa’s Area Education Agencies
Iowa State University employees
Iowa State Disqualified Employees (Do-Not-Hire list) and Hundreds of former state workers banned from government jobs
Ankeny base wage report of employee salaries, 2012
Ankeny base wage report of employee salaries, 2013
Appanoose County Gross Wage Report, 2015
Appanoose County Area salaries, 2012-2014
Bellevue Community Schools employees gross pay, 2014
Boone County and county towns and hospital employees
Cedar Falls employee directory
Centerville Community School District earnings report, 2015
Cerro Gordo County Public Payroll
Charles County employee directory
Cincinnati City Employees
Coralville employee directory
Des Moines area city and county employee salaries
Des Moines City Employees
Dickinson County payroll publications, 2009-2015
Dubuque Salaries, 2016
Dubuque employee directory
Dubuque city employees salaries, 2010, 2011, 2009, 2008
Dubuque Community School District, Operating Fund Payroll
Dubuque School District Payroll, Cafeteria Staff
Fairfield employee directory
Fairfield employee salaries, 2014-2015; salary increases, 2015 and 2013
Fort Madison employee directory
Grinnell employee directory
Grinnell employee salaries, 2014-2015
Highland School District employees, 2006
Iowa City School District salaries, 2007
City of Iowa City Salaries, 2012
City of Iowa City Salaries, 2009
Johnson County based federal, state, university, school and municipal employees, 2002-2014
Linn County based federal, state, university, school and municipal employees, 2002-2014
Linn County Payments to Vendors
Madrid public salaries
Mahaska County employees salaries
Mahaska County school employees
City of Marion Public Salaries
Marshalltown salaries, 2007-2008
Mason City Public Payroll and City of Mason City, 2015
Mason City schools salaries
Muscatine employee directory
Newton employee directory
North Iowa Area Community College, 2010
City of Oskaloosa salaries
Pella employee directory
Poweshiek County Salaries, 2014 and 2015
Scott County salary report, 2012
Sioux City, South Sioux City, North Sioux City, Woodbury County, Dakota County, Union County and Sergeant Bluff government pay
Sioux City, 2015
City of Solon Salaries, 2002-2014
Solon School District Salaries, 2002-2014
Story County employee directory
City of West Branch Salaries, 2012
Woodbury County Public Salaries
If you know of or you’re looking for a database or list of employees that isn’t here it doesn’t mean it’s not out there. Ask me and I’ll look for it and add it to PI buzz. There are so many government agency directories and salary lists that I can’t keep up with adding them as quickly as they proliferate.
These would have to be requested from the county because they aren’t online.
I am looking for salaries for county employees in Buena Vista County.
Thank you!
WHEREAS, the Worth County Compensation Board met on December 13, 2016, and made the
following salary recommendations for the following elected officials for the fiscal year beginning July
1, 2017:
Elected Official Current Salary Proposed Increase Recommended Salary
Auditor $51,944 3.00% $53,502
County Attorney $55,901 4.00% $58,137
Recorder $51,944 3.00% $53,502
Sheriff $64,888 3.00% $66,835
Supervisors-Chair $30,649 0.00% $30,649
Supervisors $30,149 0.00% $30,149
Treasurer $51,944 3.00% $53,502
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Worth County Board of Supervisors adopts the salary
recommendations for elected officials for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2017 as recommended by
the Worth County Compensation Board.
Approved this 6th day of March, 2017.
I am looking for the salaries of county employees in Worth County – I would like any of them but particularly the Board of Supervisors.
Thank you for this site. It is full of great information!
Edith Haenel