A faithful reader clued me into the usefulness of restaurant inspection reports for finding names of employees at a business. Search the Sacramento County, California Food Facility Restaurant Inspection Reports database by partial street name or facility name. The reports often identify the owners and employees who signed the inspection report.
You may have to do some hunting around to get to the food inspection databases for these California counties. This cached site has more direct links to restaurant inspection reports and closures. Go to the web sites for a state Department of Public Health to find the county environmental health division.
Some states, like Virginia, are kind, and have direct links to each county database of inspections. There doesn’t seem to be a site that keeps a comprehensive collection of these links. Even the State of Washington Office of Environmental Health and Safety lists only 6 counties.
Add your local or state site to this posting’s comments.
Delaware has just begun posting statewide restaurant inspection reports, which are currently just a list of recent reports but the site claims that there will soon be an online database.
I am currently searching for a defendant, who regularly is employed at local restaurants. Your information about restaurant inspection reports provided me another source.
Thank you!
Gus Moyer
DELMarVA Judgment Services