The databases below contain a multitude of data on companies, with some of the most useful and unique highlights noted below.
Business Source Complete
*Journal and trade articles about companies
*SWOT analysis
*Quick summaries on financials, products, subsidiaries, and more
*Related industry and market research reports (MarketLine/Datamonitor, Barnes Reports, MarketWatch, BMI)
Mergent Online
Great coverage for international/multinational companies
*Company History
*Business Segments
*Executive Structure
*Competitor List
*Company news and much more
Thomson One
*Officers and Directors
*Corporate news and events
*Key ratios
*Company Research reports (Investext)
Business Monitor International
Company strategy information for some industries
Hoover’s Online
More US companies but also contains multinational companies
*Competitors and Competitive landscape
*Products and operations
*Historical events (may help with Corporate transformation)
*Easy access to financials and related industry information
Available Company Profiles (multinational)
*Strategic Direction
*Competitive Positioning
*Company Background
LexisNexis Academic
*Company Hierarchy
*Intellectual Property information
*Legal information
*Bond Ratings
*Company News
-Search by company name or ticker for company snapshot
Corporate Affiliations Online
Historical Comparison function is a great tool for tracking changes in-
*Industry Code Classification
*Executives & Directors
*Private Company Information
-Excellent Corporate History
-Corporate Organization
-M&A Deals
-Funding and restructuring information, if applicable