If you believe in open access to police reports get your advocacy hat on and head over to the California Attorney General’s office, which is taking public comments on this very issue. Californians Aware reports:
June 7 is the deadline for written comments on the following two questions submitted by Senator Dean Florez (D-Shafter):1. May a district attorney withhold from public disclosure all police investigative reports, including those in which all confidential personal information has been redacted?2. Under the terms of Penal Code Section 964, may a district attorney provide summaries of police investigative reports in lieu of publicly disclosing such reports with the confidential personal information redacted?
PC 964 is the codification of the bill authored by Senators Ross Johnson and Dean Flores last year that gives District Attorneys sway over the release and redaction of police reports.
Send your comments to:
Deputy Attorney General Gregory Gonot, P.O. Box 944255, Sacramento CA 94244-2550. For further information call Gonot at (916) 324-7860. Comments or questions may also be e-mailed to Gregory.Gonot@doj.ca.gov.