The Contra Costa County California civil court has a redesigned online docket search. It’s not an improvement. The question and answer, multi-step system is tailored to the general public, not the professional researcher. It’s not only annoying but now the required search fields are last name AND first initial. Anybody have a tool to defeat the first initial requirement?
A chart of all the courts shows the inclusive dates for each index.
The Calaveras County Sheriff site lists jail bookings and some arrests for February and March 2007.
California Business and Professions Code 22440 regulates Immigration Consultants who are not attorneys. Immigration consultants assist with non legal matters, such as completing and filing government forms. They are required to post a bond; their address and photograph are displayed at the Secretary of State Web site. Search the database by full or partial name or business name.
Go to the California Department of Corporations Web site, bookmark the Securities Regulation Division page to search companies offering securities and franchises for sale. Some companies have listed salespeople, with resumes of past employment.
Verify a current or inactive license of companies authorized to operate online escrow services.
Search by last name, with or without a first name, to verify a California teacher credential and the authorized subject area. Records cover certifications issued after 1989.
California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control maintains a License Query System of bars, restaurants and markets authorized to sell alcohol. Search by licensee or business name or address. A search returns type of business, operator of the business, date the license was transferred, former licensee and any current or former disciplinary actions.
What is one of your favorite California county or state Web sites?