BRB Publications, which produces directories and guides used by private investigators, has finally brought their semi-annually distributed newsletter to a blog format, which can be read in real time!
There’s a creeping trend. More private investigators are finding their way to the blogosphere. Few of the blogs link to each other, so I’ll introduce them here as a way of inviting mutual linking. I’m a bit fussy, only including sites that update frequently and have informative content.
At Public Defender Stuff find free ranging topics from gossip to legal issues that affect the work of the criminal defense investigator. There’s a substantial collection of links to public defender sites, mostly attorneys. “Sanchovilla”, at Tales Of A Public Defender Investigator manages quite well to show the absurdity of criminal defense work while also offering tips on Web search.
Michael Thomas, “a recovering corporate investigator”, highlights stories in the news about white collar crime at The Daily Caveat. And possibly the only podcast by an investigator is The Curbside Investigator, who is musing about – what else? – surveillance! News on PIs and investigative topics can be found at Skipease.
Other legal blogs can be searched by topic and located on a map at Blawg.
Blogs really do help private investigators, like me, to reach a larger audience. I’m happy that investigators have been linking and helping each other.
There’s a creeping trend. More private investigators are finding their way to the blogosphere. Few of the blogs link to each other, so I’ll introduce them here as a way of inviting mutual linking. I’m a bit fussy, only including sites that update frequently and have informative content.
Thanks for the invitation to add my link to your blog.