The San Diego County, California Sheriff has launched a database of filed Protective and Restraining Orders – apparently the only one of its kind in the country – that can be searched by the name of the restrained party. A search by partial last name returns the full name, order number, issue and expiration dates, and court of filing. There are records still here past the expiration dates, but the overall dates of coverage are not clear. The San Diego Court Index is searchable by name but you can’t restrict the file type except by “civil”, “criminal” etc. San Diego doesn’t have court dockets online but in other counties which do you have to look at each case filed (yes, there is often more than one for the same person!) and scroll through to find an entry for a restraining order.
Some courts – the Chancery Court in Madison County, Mississippi is an example – have a selection for TRO or restraining order as a file type.
Do you know of other Sheriff or Court Web sites that have restraining or protective order searches?