The online telephone directory, isn’t just for finding listed telephone numbers. Use it to identify current employment or to expand the employment history profile of your subject. A search on my name in California returned 40 results. Some are home listings, but other records are work contacts. These are extracted from the Internet – Web pages and Zoominfo – and may supplement the business associations found at various other people finder sites.
Google the work designation “Mt Diablo Soccer League” to find a photo, phone number and email for this Tamara Thompson.
Most of the free lookup, fee-based people finder sites – PeopleFinders, Voompeople, Privateeye, to name a few, – contain the same data, although those may list corporation and DBA records not found at
The recent proposal by the governor of Connecticut requiring that these sites offer a blanket opt-out to residents likely won’t get legal traction. The Internet people finder databases and telephone directories already have opt-out procedures, and their information is gathered from government public records and published directories. Governor Rell has stated that this measure would address safety concerns for the elderly, who are often targeted in financial scams.
Voompeople has changed its name to