3 thoughts on “Private Investigator Research Links – May 2012”
Max: If it’s UK plates that your after, you need access to the DVLA which can be granted through the ABI.
California requires a state approved account. You can get access to Ca plates and other states that permit this through recordsresearch.com.
There may be less expensive options if you need plates primarily from another state.
There are some free tools. For example, Wisconsin verifies the make of the vehicle with a plate number: https://trust.dot.state.wi.us/pinq/PinqServlet?whoami=pinqp1.
What is the best website that offers resources on getting license plate searches?
Max: If it’s UK plates that your after, you need access to the DVLA which can be granted through the ABI.
California requires a state approved account. You can get access to Ca plates and other states that permit this through recordsresearch.com.
There may be less expensive options if you need plates primarily from another state.
There are some free tools. For example, Wisconsin verifies the make of the vehicle with a plate number: https://trust.dot.state.wi.us/pinq/PinqServlet?whoami=pinqp1.
What is the best website that offers resources on getting license plate searches?