MySpace, the social networking site, has been recognized as the most frequently accessed Web site, more popular than Google or Yahoo. That gives you some idea how important social networking sites are for background research.
Apparently employers are using these sites as part of their background screening, to round out candidate supplied work history, and uncover potentially unsavory personal characteristics.
Last fall, an executive search firm in Connecticut surveyed recruiters, and found that 75% of those surveyed routinely use search engines and networking sites to discover information about job candidates. In the past few months, an assistant district attorney in Florida and a police chief in northern California have lost their jobs due to postings on their MySpace pages.
Also on this topic:
Social-Networking Sites Catch the Eye of Employers, Wall Street Journal
Social Networking Sites Aren’t Commonly Used to Dig Up Dirt, Insider Recruiting
For Some, Online Persona Undermines a Résumé, New York Times