New Hampshire
This is a directory of links to state, county and municipal government salary and employee name databases. These searchable databases of government salaries, pay, overtime and compensation of government workers are compiled by news organizations, consumer watchdog organizations, open government advocates and government agencies. These are helpful to private investigators and judgment collectors to find place of employment and locate assets. Look up salaries and employees’ names.
State of New Hampshire Telephone/Email Directory
State employee pay search (government site)
New Hampshire state vendors
State of New Hampshire government workers, 2009 (pdf)
New Hampshire State Pension Data, 2011
University of New Hampshire employees, 2009 (pdf)
Auburn Town Book, including town and school district employees
Town of Belmont, Wages Paid to Employees (government site) (Scroll to bottom of page and view Town Reports)
Concord City Salary Database
Concord School District Salary Database
Dover Wage Data (government site)
Town of Durham, Employee Wages
Exeter town employee salaries, 2011 (PDF)
Hampton town salaries, 2011
Kittery town salaries, 2008
Loudon Town Report, 2014 (salaries on pages 21-22)
Manchester City employee salaries, 2007
New Hartford salaries, 2014 (PDF)
Plainfield Town Reports with Salaries
Portsmouth salaries, 2008 (PDF), 2011 (PDF)
Portsmouth school wages, 2011 (PDF), 2008 (PDF)
Portsmouth School salaries, 2007 (Excel)
Rochester Schools salaries, 2007 (PDF)
If you know of or you’re looking for a database or list of employees that isn’t here it doesn’t mean it’s not out there. Ask me and I’ll look for it and add it to PI buzz. There are so many government agency directories and salary lists that I can’t keep up with adding them as quickly as they proliferate.