Google has expanded on its Google Maps feature with two enhancements: My Maps and Street View. Street View is street level photographs of buildings and intersections along the corridors of roads in selective cities. This will remind you city photo lovers of the much missed similar product, A9.
Enter an address located in San Francisco (and other Bay Area cities), New York, Las Vegas, Denver or Miami, navigate along the street in all 4 directions and rotate 360 degrees to view images available from one spot. Surveillance investigators can make use of this in their information gathering prior to an onsite surveillance. Google Maps Mania has links to videos and blog postings on this topic, as well as discussion of the new Mapplet tool that will allow developers to imbed multiple layers of data in maps. Read the Google Press Release
Google rolled out the My Maps feature last month, an easy tool to place icons of user selected sites on a Google Map. Gridskipper has more…
Search for other user created maps by topic, city or other tags at the Programmable Web. Here’s the list of crime maps.