Increasingly it’s the case that people, especially “young people” (My neighbor’s description of me. And it wasn’t that long ago!), use only cell phones and not landline telephones. If you’re trying to reach a witness or just want to talk to someone away from home you might consider the statistics from a study by NOP World, from TracNotes.
New Study: 44% of U.S. Teens and Pre-Teens Have Wireless Phones – Almost half of the nation?s 10-to 18-year-olds own a mobile phone, according to a new study
released this week by NOP World Technology, a market research firm. Furthermore, ownership among 12-14 year olds increased from 13% in February 2002 to 40% in December 2004. The majority (73%) of 18 year olds own cell phones as well, a 15% increase from 2002, and three-quarters (75%) of 15-17 year olds also carry cell phones, up from 42% in 2002.
If you’re licensed as an attorney or investigator, or work for a government entity I can send you a list of vendors that provide these records.