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The Nevada Appeal News reports…
The Churchill County Recorder’s Office began in August alerting those who do business with the office, such as title companies, that beginning Jan. 1, Social Security numbers would not be allowed on public documents.
New Hampshire courts are slowly implementing a new case tracking system that will link all of the state courts – in about 3 years. The Supreme Court is still debating which personal identifying details will be masked in the Internet site.
It also will improve public access to court records. For the first time, court dockets _ including the names of the parties, the type of case or criminal charges, and the dates of filings, hearings and decisions _ will be publicly available, going as far back as 1988.
But public access won’t improve immediately. That’s because the Supreme Court is still working on rules governing what records should be available only on paper, what information would be on public computers at courthouses, and what would be on the Internet.