This is a directory of links to state, county and municipal government salary and employee name databases. These searchable databases of government salaries, pay, overtime and compensation of government workers are compiled by news organizations, consumer watchdog organizations, open government advocates and government agencies. These are helpful to private investigators and judgment collectors to find place of employment and locate assets. Look up salaries and employees’ names.
Nevada State Employees Directory
City of Reno; the State of Nevada; Washoe County School District; the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR); the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV); Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC); Desert Research Institute (DRI); Western Nevada College (WNC); the Regional Transportation Commission (RTC); the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA); Nevada System of Higher Education; Great Basin College (GBC); and College of Southern Nevada (CSN), highest paid employees, 2007
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2008
Nevada Public Employees’ Retirement System
Search all salary databases at Transparent Nevada
Nevada lawmakers” salaries and expenses for 2008-9 session
Churchill County – names and salaries (TransparentNevada)
Clark County – names and salaries (TransparentNevada)
No longer available. Clark County and area government employee salaries, 2013
No longer available. Clark County and area government employee salaries, 2011 including:
Clark County
Clark County School District
City of Henderson
Las Vegas Metro Police
City of Las Vegas
Las Vegas Convention and Visitor Authority
City of North Las Vegas
Regional Transportation Commission
Southern Nevada Health District
Taxicab Authority
UNLV Police
Water Authority
Clark County and Las Vegas area salaries, 2009
Government Salaries, 2015: Henderson, Las Vegas Metro Police, Nevada State, Nevada System of Higher Education, Southern Nevada Housing Authority, University Medical Center
Carson City – Top 100 Estimated Pensions
Clark County School District Administrator Pay, 2009-2010
Douglas County – names and salaries (TransparentNevada)
Elko city salaries
Esmeralda County – names and salaries (TransparentNevada)
Eureka County – names and salaries (TransparentNevada)
Humboldt County – names and salaries (TransparentNevada)
City of Las Vegas – names and salaries (TransparentNevada)
Lyon County – names and salaries (TransparentNevada)
Lyon County staff directory
Mesquite City Employee Salary Information, 2013
Mesquite Police Department salaries
Reno employee salaries and payroll data, 2009-2012 (government site)
Reno city vendors and online checkbook (government site)
Washoe County School District, 2013
White Pine County – names and salaries (TransparentNevada)
If you know of or you’re looking for a database or list of employees that isn’t here it doesn’t mean it’s not out there. Ask me and I’ll look for it and add it to PI buzz. There are so many government agency directories and salary lists that I can’t keep up with adding them as quickly as they proliferate.