This is a directory of links to federal, state, county and municipal government salary and employee name databases. {NOTE: View this site on a desktop browser to see state, county and municipal government salary and employee name databases.] These searchable databases of government salaries, pay, overtime and compensation of government workers are compiled by news organizations, consumer watchdog organizations, open government advocates and government agencies. These are helpful to private investigators and judgment collectors to find place of employment and locate assets. Look up salaries and employees’ names.
If you know of or you’re looking for a database or list of employees that isn’t here it doesn’t mean it’s not out there. Ask me and I’ll look for it and add it to PI buzz. There are so many government agency directories and salary lists that I can’t keep up with adding them as quickly as they proliferate.
Federal and state employee compensation search by name, agency, state; Download the phone app and search by zip code, too
Federal, Postal and Federal Unions’ employees and pay
Federal Employee Salaries, 2014
Federal Employee salaries, 2010, 2011
2006 Federal Employees and and here
Public-sector pension fund staff salaries around the United States
AmeriCorps staff Directory
General Services Administration salaries, 2011
HUD Employees Directory
GAO Organizational Telephone Directory, 2010
Indian Health Service Employee Locator
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Telephone Directory
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Personnel Roster and Salaries, 2010
US Postal Service Employees
2000-2015 Legislative Salaries and Expenses – Search Congressional staff salaries by Staffer Name, Representative, Senator, Committee, Leadership Office, Administrative Office or State
Department of Commerce employee directory
Department of Education employee directory
Department of Energy, National Renewable Energy Laboratory employee directory
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission employee directory, 2013
Department of Health and Human Services employee directory
Federal Aviation Administration employee directory
Labor Union Officers and Employees, LM-2 Reports, U.S. Department of Labor
National Archives and Records Administration employee directory
National Institutes of Health employee directory
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration employee directory
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration salary list, 2007
National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2007
National Park Service employee directory
Office of the Inspector General, Corporation for National and Community Service employee directory
Sandia National Laboratory employee directory
U.S. Department of the Treasury, 2008
White House Staff and salaries, 2011
Pacific Island area employee directory, Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA
Public-Sector Pension Funds Staff Salary Database
Executive PayWatch, 2011: Executive officers of Standard & Poor”s 500 companies
CEO executive salaries, 2007 and 2009
State executive, legislative and judicial financial disclosure reports
The Work Number – employment verification for some county and state government agencies