Catch the webcast of the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce hearing, Data Security: The Discussion Draft of Data Protection Legislation, this Thursday at 10am. I assume that’s D.C. time. The Washington-centric folks don’t say. The Hearing web page states that the list of witnesses is not yet finalized. Hummm. I guess you can just drop in and have your say!
July 28 UPDATE: Senator Bill Nelson introduced an amendment to SB 1408 that restricts the sale of social security numbers, which was accepted and passed this morning. It’s still subject to further changes. Read this news report.
July 29 UPDATE: SB 1408 is scheduled to be introduced in September to the Congress. The Committee on Energy and Commerce press release states: ” The bill requires information brokers to annually submit their security policy to the FTC for audit. Information brokers must also disclose what personal data they hold to consumers who ask for that information.”