Sneak in to the California State Archive in Sacramento to view the indexes of these records of births, deaths, marriages wills and probates.
Here are just a few of the vital record resources you’ll find.
ALAMEDA COUNTY – Marriage, 1854-1955
MARIN COUNTY – Probate, 1850-1924*, County, Judicial and Superior Court, 1850-1939, Bonds, Letters and Wills, 1853-1914*, Marriage, 1873-1936 (1873-1919*), Great Register, 1866-1908*, Miscelleaneous, 1870-1950#
SAN DIEGO COUNTY – Probate, 1886-1918*, Wills, 1880-1920*
IMPERIAL COUNTY – Deeds, 1851-1907*, Marriage, 1903-1923*