SearchSystems Free Public Records Directory: Still the best and most comprehensive set of direct links to search pages of government public records. The only site of its type with a searchable database. It just instituted an annoying delay page between your site selection and the search page.
Public People Finder: This site has fee services at the top of the page. Scroll down to the lower half, to the map of the United States, select a state to review the public records links.
Public Record Finder: Again, this site has fee services at the top and sides of the page and it’s difficult to tell where the free searches begin. Scroll down to the heading, “Nationwide Public Records By Categories”. This is the beginning of the links to government sites. Links are also arranged by state. A small collection of international sources are identified.
Rominger Legal – An extensive set of links, organized by state, to each state government agency.
BRB Public Record Resource Center: A small collection.