California State Senator Jackie Speier convened a panel of the concerned at a Banking, Finance And Insurance Committee informational hearing entitled, “After the Breach: How secure and accurate is consumer information held by ChoicePoint and other data aggregators?” Read the list of presenters
We can only hope as the data vendors change their approach to supplying customers’ information they won’t go overboard. At least not before the Congress or State of California passes an ill considered law.
The AP version:
ChoicePoint to allow people access to personal records
Scrambling to protect their hides, Choicepoint made this offer to California legislators yesterday. [LA Times, subscription site.]
Don McGuffey, the company’s vice president for data acquisition, told the state Senate’s Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee that ChoicePoint was developing a system to give individuals “a single point of access” to review a variety of reports generated from databases that are sold to law enforcement and government agencies, employers, landlords and insurers.
Let’s just hope the non subscribers don’t get to alter the content in the database. I would rather they append their personal information with any that is self reported or documented.
View the video of the California Senate Identity Theft Summit that was held March 1, 2005 and listen to some of your favorite privacy advocates.