Index of American Universities
As home pages are found for American Universities granting bachelor or advanced degrees, they are added here, one page per university."
Citation Styles, Style Guides, and Avoiding Plagiarism
"How do you cite sources? The means to identify sources is to provide citations within your text linking appropriate passages to relevant resources consulted or quoted. This can be done through in-text parenthetic notes, footnotes, or endnotes. In addition, a bibliography or list of works cited, is almost always placed at the end of your paper. The citation system and format you use will be determined by the citation style you choose. "
Authenticating Web Pages as Evidence
"As you approach the witness with printouts of the web pages, you are stopped in your tracks: "Objection, lack of foundation." "
Old telephone books and telcom museum
"We maintain and operate one of the nation’s largest privately held telecommunications archives, operate two museums and conduct educational programs on telephone history."
iMapflickr.com: Embeddable Google Map and Flickr Mashups
"iMapflickr.com allows non-techie users to create fully customizable embeddable google maps of geocoded flickr photosets or search results. You can use it to create maps of your own photos, or other users."
"CrowdEye is a new generation of search engine which looks at the worldwide web in a new way. By tracking discussions on Twitter, we can help our users find out what’s important to them right now in real time."
The rest of my favorite links are here.