"Certificates of Appointment of Notary Public or Master are filed and recorded in the office of the county clerk where issued. A copy of each Certificate is filed with the Vermont Secretary of State for the purpose of certifying appointments, qualifications, and signatures of Vermont notaries public and masters. "
State and National Archives in the U.S.
"State and National Archives in the United States"
California "POST Background Investigation Manual: Guidelines for the Investigator"
"The "POST Background Investigation Manual: Guidelines for the Investigator" provides guidance to assist background investigators in the conduct of background investigations of both peace officers and public safety dispatchers. "
Twitter: Prohibited Jury Communications in Missouri
"You are not permitted to communicate, use a cell phone, record, photograph, video, e-mail, blog, tweet, text, or post anything about this trial or your thoughts or opinions about any issue in this case to any other person or to the Internet,"
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Go to the State of Ohio Secretary of State Website. It will cost much less than $75.00
I can find it for you for 75.00 call 866-640-1010 and ask for Tom
I am in desprate need of my employer’s idenification number. The company name is Area Temps and is located on Mayfield Rd in Mayfield OH. Was wondering if you could find it or lead me in the right direction in getting this?