The newspapers are getting a running start on Sunshine Week –the Sunday kickoff to a week focused on efforts by the media and government to cast a light on government operations– reporting the good and the bad on the state of accessibility to online public agency records. The Sunshine Week 2009 Survey of State Government Information (conducted by news organizations) will be released Sunday and I’ll have a link here with highlights. [UPDATE: Link to Sunshine Week 2009 Survey of State Government Information Online]
Here’s the advance reporting.
Federal government:
FBI finds nothing for 2 out of 3 who seek records
Government secrecy concerns many in poll
Arkansas: Some State Records Not Given Time In The Sun
Colorado: Freedom of Information Superhighway
Connecticut: List of documents available online in Conn.
Illinois: New Ill. governor promises government openness
Kentucky: Survey shows some Ky. records available online
Massachusetts: Sunshine Week: Massachusetts lags behind on records
Mississippi: Mississippi last in survey of Internet records
North Carolina: NC gets high marks for posting public info online
What an interesting post – thanks for sharing.