The widespread use of social networking sites is also engaging private investigators as participants — as I am on Linkedin — and as information gatherers. Law Technology News published my article, variously titled, “Research: Me, Myself & I:People can be unguarded on social networking sites” and “Due Diligence With Social Networks“. It is more detailed than the posting I did in 2007 on social media.
I didn’t delve into the advisability of searching social networking sites in conducting background screening of pre-employment applicants, but this is fraught with legal complications. The uncharted territory of the privacy or discoverability of a user’s social networking site — also a critical area for the legal investigator — is explored in “Are Social Networking Sites Discoverable?”.
Thanks to the fellow bloggers who mentioned my Law Technology News writing: Northern California Family Law Blog, the Evince Blog, The Art of Advocacy and FraudPro.
im looking for a company that can do employee backgrounds for CA
Hello Tamara: Timely topic…as I am also a Business Analyst with the Small Business Development Center(s) in Arizona — I am assigned to help assist SME [Small and Medium Enterprise] business owners how to leverage social media channels for the “wikinomic” economy. The challenge that I pose to all is: “How valuable is managing my online identity to my career and clients?” As far as using “open source” information for background screening, such as LinkedIn and; — “Trust, But Verify” any content that is available about the candidate. It’s no secret that Fortune 100/500 firms (HR & Legal departments) subscribe to enterprise level subscriptions of LinkedIn to conduct de-facto backgrounds; regardless of FCRA or state issues. Things evolve — so too will social media and laws about background screening. That is why I stress that every working professional must take responsibility for their individual online identity management. Cheers! Alan Pruitt, PI