Some states, counties and towns list current registered voters on a Web site. But you might also look for databases and PDF files that voter registrars and town clerks compile of formerly registered voters. States and local agencies variously refer to these non current registered voters lists as purged, inactive or excluded. Use advanced search operators at a search engine to search by different phrases, file types and site domains to identify inactive voters lists. Here are a few I found.
Darien, Connecticut roll of inactive voters.
Voter Purge List, Madison County, Alabama residents.
City of St. Louis Inactive Voters List.
Knox County, Tennessee Purged Inactive Voters is available as of 2005.
Inactive Voter Status – Barnstable, Massachusetts
And, just to remind us that easy come, easy go…In 2000, People for the American Way published a Central Voter File Exclusions List of registered voters Florida planned to purge from the rolls as purported felons. The list was never used and People for the American Way has since removed it from their server.